Ivan Horodysky

Candidate of Law, director of the Dnistrianskyi Center
Last author's articles
Protection from Orbán: how Trump "suspended" the future of Russian assets and what the EU plans to do
The risk of returning of Russia's frozen assets seemed increasingly likely. Brussels had to urgently seek a safeguard against this scenario.
Funds for reconstruction or war? What Ukraine must do to successfully confiscate Russian assets
The current Ukrainian government must address: what is the specific plan for utilizing Russian assets after their confiscation?
Finnish precedent: how Helsinki increases chances of getting compensation from Russia
The Finnish court's ruling will send a strong signal to companies engaged in arbitration disputes with Russia over compensation for damages caused by its aggression against Ukraine.
Slow unfreezing: why the plan to loan Ukraine funds secured by Russian assets is being hampered
Confiscation of the Russian assets will be perhaps the only way to ensure compensation to victims and survivors under the international compensation mechanism.
Resentments of the "South" hit Ukraine: how non-Western countries oppose the confiscation of Russian assets
The stance of the Global South remains a significant obstacle in the matter of confiscating the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank.
One step closer to reparations: what opportunities and challenges does the G7 decision on Russian assets create?
Despite successes in the matter of frozen Russian assets, the issue of compensation for victims of Russian aggression is still unresolved.
Biden, confiscate it! What will be consequences of the US Congress' decision to divest Russian assets?
Although the adoption of the REPO is a powerful signal, we can predict that the most realistic decisions on the future of Russian assets will be made at the June G7 summit in Brindisi, Italy.
All author's articles