In Brief

EXPLAINERHow NATO tried to befriend Russia and why Ukraine did not receive MAP in 2008
EXPLAINERWill pro-Russian forces be able to use new political crisis in Bulgaria?
EXPLAINERWhy Erdoğan's party lost local elections and who could succeed him
EXPLAINERWhy it is important to submit an application for war-damaged housing to the Register of Damage Caused by Russian Aggression
EXPLAINERWhy did Poland dismiss a general involved in assisting Ukraine?
EXPLAINERWhat risks does the world's first law on artificial intelligence pose and why does EU need it?
EXPLAINERWhy do Poles support farmers' protests despite their own comfort and profits
EXPLAINERWho sabotaged Ukrainian-Polish farm import dispute
EXPLAINERHow Poland is preparing for new clash between Tusk and Kaczyński
EXPLAINERHow Ukraine will conduct EU accession negotiations and what challenges it may face
EXPLAINERHow Russia set course for annexing Abkhazia
EXPLAINERWhy Ukraine needs public administration reform for successful Eurointegration
EXPLAINERWill EU membership destroy Ukrainian farmers?
EXPLAINERSlovakia's presidential election: What consequences could sensational victory of a pro-Western candidate have?
EXPLAINERHow Hungary initiated the destruction of the list of Russia's budget sponsors
EXPLAINERWhy assistance from Denmark, Norway and Japan is important for Ukraine
EXPLAINERWhy the friendly to Ukraine Croatian government may fall
EXPLAINERWhy Ukrainian media and the state should stop calling Putin "president"
EXPLAINERHow Ukraine's government could complicate receiving US assistance
EXPLAINERWhat instruments does the state have to protect Ukrainian businesses
EXPLAINERHow abortion debate divided Donald Tusk's coalition
EXPLAINERThree arguments why Macron could indeed deploy troops to Ukraine