Kuleba's First Call to the New French Foreign Minister. Sanctions and Candidate Status for Ukraine

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba held the first telephone call with the new French colleague Catherine Colonna.

He shared it on Twitter, reports "European Pravda".

"We agreed on the need to ramp up sanctions pressure on Russia, including an oil embargo, and discussed Ukraine’s EU candidate status. Looking forward to welcoming her in Ukraine," Kuleba stated.

He added that he expects Catherine Colonna's first visit to Ukraine.

The French government changed last week. Catherine Colonna, who replaced Jean-Yves Le Drian, has become the second woman to head the French Foreign Ministry. Before that appointment, she was French ambassador to Britain and a spokeswoman for the late President Jacques Chirac.

Catherine Colonna expressed confidence that the EU will be able to agree on the sixth package of sanctions against Russia with the oil embargo this week.

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