Ukrainians Fond of Leaders of Poland, Britain, and the US

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Ukrainians feel the best about the UK Prime Minister and the Presidents of Poland and the US.

Polish President Duda and British Prime Minister Johnson are the foreign leaders who enjoy the highest positive attitudes among Ukrainians, reports sociological group "Rating" that conducted a survey.

Polish President Andrzej Duda and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have the highest positive attitudes among Ukrainians - over 90%. 74-76% of the attitudes are completely positive, while 15-16% are rather positive.

89% of the respondents have a positive attitude to US President Joe Biden.

The next ones on the list are Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda (73%) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (71%).

58% of the respondents express a positive attitude to French President Emmanuel Macron, 41% to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, 45% to Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi (25% do not know him), and 50% to Romanian President Klaus Iohannis. 30%).

The President of Turkey is positively assessed by 59% of the respondents.

According to the "Rating", the attitudes towards Chancellor Scholz and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen have improved over the last two months, while the attitudes to the President of Turkey Erdoğan and to the President of France Macron have worsened.

Hungary's Prime Minister Orbán has a negative attitude of 53%. 20% have a positive attitude towards it, and 20% of respondents do not know it.

The absolute majority of the respondents have a negative attitude towards the leaders of Belarus Alexandr Lukashenko (95%) and Russia Vladimir Putin (98%).

The survey also showed that 70% believe that Ukraine will join the EU in 5 years.

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