Kyslytsia's Response to Macron: No One Is Manipulating the Russian Orthodox Church, It's Part of a Criminal Regime

Monday, 24 October 2022

Serhii Kyslytsia, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, has responded to French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement that the Russian Orthodox Church is allowing itself to be manipulated by the state.

Speaking at an international conference, Macron said the Russian Orthodox Church is allowing itself to be manipulated by the country's authorities to justify the war in Ukraine, and he urged the Church to resist such pressure.

Kyslytsia did not agree with Macron's assessment.

"An important thing: it is not being manipulated, it is part and parcel of the criminal regime," the Ukrainian diplomat wrote on his Twitter.

"Важлива річ – нею (РПЦ. - Ред.) ніхто не маніпулює, вона є складовою злочинного режиму", – відзначив український дипломат.

Macron believes that a peaceful solution to Russia's war against Ukraine is possible, but this decision should be made by Kyiv.

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