Ukraine Welcomes 'Accountability' From Republicans to Help Oversight Military Assistance - Ambassador

, 19 December 2022, 15:40

Ukraine's ambassador to the US, Oksana Markarova, has stated that Kyiv welcomes the transparency and accountability of American assistance to Ukrainian to fight against a full-scale Russian invasion.

Markarova stated this in an interview with the ABC channel.

"We're working with Congress on a very strong bipartisan basis... And there is a number of systems already in place. The NATO system on the security systems, but also the full reporting on the budget support. So, we look forward to continuing doing that. And, actually, we really count on Congress continued support, especially for 2023," the ambassador of Ukraine said.

The diplomat underlines that Kyiv expects to receive additional means of strengthening air defence from the US.

"During the last two months ... there is a massive attack on civilian infrastructure: 50% of the energy is destroyed of the energy grid. We have to stop it. And the only way to do it is with increased number of air defence everywhere in Ukraine," Markarova said.

As ABC notes, the Biden administration and lawmakers have already directed nearly $50 billion in 2022 alone. Congress may add more Ukrainian support to a year-end government funding measure.

The statement of Ukraine's ambassador to the US was made against the background of constant calls from prominent Republicans in Congress for more scrutiny of aid to Ukraine as it defends itself from Russia's invasion.

According to the media, by March 2023, the Biden administration also plans to tap a still-unnamed US firm by February to implement a special three-year initiative to help the oversight effort.