How Can Trump Be Punished for Inciting Attack on Congress

, 20 December 2022, 19:03

Donald Trump has again become "the first in history", and again in negative terms. He is now the first former US president against whom Congress recommends starting criminal proceedings. They even want to ban him on insurrectionists holding office.

Just because Donald Trump played a significant role in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

On Monday, a special House committee’s voted to refer former President Donald Trump for potential criminal charges, summarising a year and a half investigation into the January 6 event.

Let us briefly remind you what kind of investigation we are talking about.

Right after the attack on Capitol Hill, democrats pivoted to launching a special investigative committee, and in June 2021, House Democrats voted 220-to-190 to establish the select committee to investigate the January 6 insurrection after a bipartisan bill to set up an outside commission was filibustered by Senate Republicans.

Most of the work of the select committee was behind closed doors and consisted of listening to witnesses, analysing documents and other evidence.

The investigation concerned not only the events of January 6. Rather, its focus can be defined as "a study of Trump's destructive impact on electoral democracy after the 2020 presidential election."

So it is not surprising that the key evidence relates to the role of the former US president.

Consequently, the select committee created five separate investigative working groups with informal "colourful" names.

In addition to numerous closed meetings, the special committee held nine public meetings to show the most resonant materials or interrogate key witnesses.

In short: Trump was not going to admit his defeat in the 2020 elections. He planned with his associates a campaign to "cancel" the elections, in particular, by putting pressure on officials at the federal and local levels. During the events of January 6, he incited supporters to violent actions and then he refused to intervene to restore law and order.

The full report of the "select committee of January 6" should be released on Wednesday, December 21. It will be a huge document.

Even its "short" summary, published on Monday, has a volume of 154 pages.

This document, in addition to already known facts and evidence, contains some new details - for example, correspondence between employees of the Ministry of Justice and Trump's headquarters in late 2020 - early 2021.

The full report also announces a lot of evidence and testimony that Trump had known about the very likely violent behaviour of protesters loyal to him. However, he did not try to prevent it.

The committee’s referrals approved by its members on Monday are the first time in American history that Congress has recommended charges against a former president.

A group of House lawmakers has proposed four criminal charges against Trump.

The fourth and most significant charge is insurrection, which carries up to 10 years in prison if convicted but could also keep Trump from running for president again.

The main figure in the "January 6 select committee" investigation reacted to the release of new evidence about his role in the events of January 6 with a short post that contains few specifics and accuses everyone of conspiring against him.

Trump's tactics are simple but effective: present the investigation of his actions as political persecution and as a pre-election fight against him - because Trump has already announced his intention to participate in the US presidential elections in 2024.

However, the charges against Trump may hit his reputation, make him a "toxic" candidate, who is mentioned only because of scandals. And it is already starting to work.