48% Of Residents of Nine EU Countries Favour a Quick End to War, Even at Cost of Territorial Loss for Ukraine

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Residents of the EU countries are divided in their vision of the end of Russia's war against Ukraine: Austrians and Germans favour a quick end to the war, even at the cost of territorial loss for Ukraine. The Dutch, Portuguese and Polish heavily opposed this idea.

The research has been conducted by Euroskopia in nine EU countries (Portugal, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and Greece).

Over 60% of Austrians and Germans want the war to end quickly. The German government is one of those that provided the largest military assistance to Ukraine.

Greeks (54%), Italians (50%), and Spaniards (50%) are in favour of a quick end to the war, even if Ukraine gives up territories.

In the Netherlands, 48% of the citizens opposed the idea of Ukraine giving up territories to end the war sooner. 45% of people in Portugal and 42% in Poland think the same.

The example of Spain shows that the voters of the left-wing parties of the ruling coalition tend to be most in favour of ending the war as soon as possible, even if it means territorial concessions of Ukraine in favour of Moscow.

A greater consensus is about the shipment of arms to Ukraine. The majority of Europeans, 56%, continue to support military support. In Spain, the percentage rises to 61%.

An area in which opinions are less divided is the attention of refugees. 29% of Europeans think that Poland is the country that has helped the most.

The study was conducted in 9 large countries belonging to the European Union on samples consisting of 1,000 adult citizens (9,000 interviews were conducted in total).

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