Over 16,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Have Already Trained as Part of the EU Mission

, 21 April 2023, 16:58

Over 16,000 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already undergone training in the European Union.

"At Ukraine Defence Contact Group, I updated on EU military support. Over 16,000 Ukrainian soldiers already trained. Over €600 million of ammunition and missiles already delivered. Work on joint procurement is ongoing. EU continues to work with partners to ensure Ukraine prevails," Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, wrote on Twitter.

On 17 October, the Foreign Affairs Council established the EU Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM Ukraine) in response to Ukraine's urgent request for support. The Mission aims to help regenerate the Ukrainian Armed Forces through large-scale training. The mission is tasked with training up to 30,000 Ukrainian servicemen in centers in EU member states.

The joint ammunition purchase plan is part of a three-step process that EU leaders approved last month in the hopes of quickly obtaining much-needed ammunition for Ukraine. However, member states continue to wrangle over some details – including how much these contracts should be limited to EU manufacturers and whether companies from the US and the UK should be included in the programme.

Politico, referring to three diplomats familiar with the situation, reported that France and Poland squabbled on Wednesday when the country's ambassadors to the EU failed to settle a dispute over joint EU contracts to purchase ammunition for Ukraine.