Stoltenberg Named Ramstein's Priorities amid Ukraine's Counteroffensive

, 15 June 2023, 09:57

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, said that against the background of the start of counteroffensive actions by Ukraine,  during the Ramstein meeting on Thursday, the allies would focus on ensuring the functioning of the delivered weapons systems.

As the European Pravda correspondent from Brussels reports, NATO Secretary General, arriving at a meeting of the Alliance's defence ministers on Thursday, said that he expected new promises on the supply of weapons to Ukraine at a meeting in the Ramstein format, which would be held on Thursday in parallel with the meeting of NATO defence ministers.

"In recent days, we have seen significant promises (regarding the supply of weapons – ed.) both from European allies and the United States...the process continues. Ukraine needs many different types of support. But obviously, the biggest focus will be and continues to be – the importance of maintaining what systems are already there (on the battlefield – ed.), working as it should," the secretary general said. 

"What I mean is that they have ammunition, spare parts, maintenance, repair capabilities and will have support throughout the offensive," Stoltenberg explained.

As reported, Stoltenberg believes it is too early to conclude whether the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be a turning point in the war.