European Commission May Announce Interim Verbal Assessment of Ukraine’s Progress on Wednesday

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

The European Commission may announce an interim assessment of Ukraine's implementation of the "candidate" recommendations as early as Wednesday, June 21.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen noted during her speech at the Ukraine Reforms Conference in London that despite the war, Ukraine continues reforms at a rapid pace.

"We in the EU want to respond to these efforts and determination. Therefore today, the European Commission will present a new verbal assessment of Ukraine's achieved progress in judicial and anti-corruption reforms, new laws on the media, and national minorities," said Ursula von der Leyen.

She added that Ukraine is sending a strong signal to investors, and the private sector will play a crucial role in Ukraine's recovery.

Earlier reports indicated that the verbal assessment would be published on Thursday, June 22, during an informal meeting of the European Council on general affairs in Stockholm.

According to "EuroPravda," the assessment on Wednesday will only be presented at the ambassadorial level. "European Pravda" will soon publish its details.

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