Denmark to Retire F-16 Fighter Jets Earlier to Make Their Transfer to Ukraine Sooner

, 26 June 2023, 12:28

Denmark's F-16 fighter jets will be retired in 2025, two years earlier than planned.

According to DR, acting Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen has announced that the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine is also approaching.

He noted that the retirement of the Danish fleet of aging US fighters has been moved up two years.

"We can get the F-35 in and made operational earlier than planned. And therefore we are now in the situation that the F-16 aircraft can be retired earlier," said the acting minister.

He mentioned that Ukrainian pilots must spend six to eight months of training before a possible donation of Danish F-16 aircraft can become a reality.

Providing Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets was discussed during a meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group (the "Ramstein" group) last week.

Following the meeting, it became known that Ukraine's partners plan to approve a training programme for Ukrainian pilots, engineers, and technicians for the F-16 fighter jets by July. The training itself will take place in a specially established center in one of the European countries.

According to Politico, Western-made F-16 fighter jets may be transferred to Ukraine in early 2024.