Ukraine to Discuss with Museum in the Netherlands How to Return "Scythian Gold"

, 9 June 2023, 14:41

Ukraine will discuss with the Allard Pierson Museum in the Netherlands how to return the "Scythian gold" following the favourable ruling by a Dutch court.

"We will have talks with the Allard Pierson Museum on the mechanisms for returning the exhibits to Ukraine, currently stored in the museum's basements," stated Emine Dzhaparova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on Facebook.

She expressed hope that the unique "Scythian gold" will soon be "where it belongs – in free Ukrainian Crimea."

On June 9, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands issued a final ruling in the case of the "Scythian gold" that the artifacts should be returned to Ukraine.

The Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam obtained on loan the objects from four Crimean museums in 2014. When Russia annexed the peninsula, it became unclear to whom these items should be handed over: the museums in occupied Crimea or Ukraine.

On December 14, 2016, the Amsterdam Court ruled to return the "Scythian gold" to Ukraine, but in January 2017, the Crimean museums started appealing the decision. The court in Amsterdam ruled in favour of Ukraine in 2021.

The "Crimean museums" appealed to the Supreme Court, which on June 9 ruled that the treasures are a cultural heritage of entire Ukraine. With the Supreme Court's decision, the dispute has finally been settled.