Sweden Preparing New Military Assistance Package for Ukraine Worth 290 Million Euros

, 15 August 2023, 14:53

The Swedish government is preparing its thirteenth assisstance package for Ukraine worth nearly 290 million euros.

According to SVT, Pål Jonson, Minister of Defence announced in a special press conference that the government proposes to provide Ukraine with a military assistance package of 3.4 billion Swedish kronor (nearly 287 million euros).

Among other items, the package includes ammunition and spare parts for the Stridsfordon 90 and Archer systems, as well as trucks and equipment for demining.

The Minister thanked the parties in the parliament for their "good dialogue" regarding the approval of the package and expressed hope that the Riksdag would approve the proposal this week.

"The counteroffensive is currently in an active phase. We must prepare for the fact that this war will be protracted and have a long-term perspective, so that we can support the weapons and systems we are transferring," Pål Jonson stated.

The Minister emphasised the importance of supporting Ukraine's air defense capabilities. In this regard, they are proposing to sell AMRAAM "air-to-air" missiles to the United States, which would then be transferred to Ukraine.

Pål Jonson noted that after providing this assistance, the readiness level of the Swedish army will deteriorate in the short term, but this will be rectified as quickly as possible.

In late June, the Swedish government presented a new aid package to Ukraine for humanitarian needs and reconstruction, amounted at 380 million Swedish kronor (32.51 million euros).

In July, Sweden decided to allocate a record amount towards Eurointegration and the reconstruction of Ukraine.