Latvia Donates Another Mi-17 Helicopter to Ukraine

, 25 August 2023, 16:13

The Latvian Armed Forces have donated another Soviet-era Mi-17 helicopter to Ukraine as part of military assistance to counter Russian aggression.

"The National Armed Forces of Latvia have delivered another Mi-17 helicopter to Ukraine. Ukraine is successfully fighting and regaining more and more occupied territories. Latvia will stand with Ukraine side by side until total victory of Ukraine!" Ināra Mūrniece, Latvian Minister of Defence, announced on Twitter.

Latvia made a political decision to transfer all helicopters under its armed forces' control to Ukraine.

Furthermore, the Latvian government recently decided to donate additional 38 vehicles confiscated from drunk drivers to Ukraine free of charge.

According to official data, Latvia's total military assistance to Ukraine amounts to 370 million euros, making it the highest contribution relative to GDP among Kyiv's allies.