White House Seen 'Notable Progress' In Ukraine's Counteroffensive

, 1 September 2023, 18:03

The White House has seen 'notable progress' in the Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russian forces in the southern part of Ukraine in recent days.

According to AFP, John Kirby, the White House national security spokesman, stated that the United States has observed "some notable progress by Ukrainian armed forces on that southern line" over the past 72 hours.

"Any objective observer of this counteroffensive, you can't deny... that they have made progress now," Kirby told reporters.

"They have achieved some success against that second line of Russian defences," he said.

Kirby also responded to criticism that Kyiv's southern campaign against occupying Russian forces has not advanced much in three months, stating that it is not helpful to criticise a partner and friend who is trying to make progress in the fight against an aggressive regime.

Previously, Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said in an interview with CNN that Ukraine's partners are aware of the real situation regarding the counteroffensive, and claims of allegedly slow progress only demoralise the Ukrainian troops.

Previously, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister advised critics of the "slow" counteroffensive to stop talking and head to the front lines in Ukraine themselves.