US Sends Démarche Calling on Ukraine to Double Down on Its Fight against Corruption

, 3 October 2023, 16:43

In recent weeks the United States has called on Ukraine to increase its efforts to fight government corruption, linking them to further non-military support, including through a diplomatic note.

CNN’s sources emphasised that all forms of American assistance, except military aid, could be threatened unless Ukraine does more to overcome corruption.

"The message to the Ukrainians has always been that if any of these funds are misappropriated, then it jeopardizes all US aid to the country," one US official stated.

CNN also managed to find out about a diplomatic note sent by the US Department of State which says that Washington expects further anti-corruption efforts from Ukraine and financial transparency to continue direct financial support.

According to a source with knowledge of the situation, the démarche also emphasised the need for Ukraine to carry out important reforms mandated by its IMF programme, including those pertaining to AML/CFT (anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism).

Earlier, Politico also reported on the Biden administration's greater concern about corruption in Ukraine, which was reflected in a classified strategy on Ukraine.

Among other things, according to media reports, the document expresses concern that corruption could induce Ukraine's Western allies to abandon its support amid the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation.

According to a Politico source, the Biden administration is in discussions with Ukrainian authorities about the possibility of tying future financial assistance to "reforms to tackle corruption and make Ukraine a more attractive place for private investment". 

The US Embassy reported that it has indeed handed over a "list of priority reforms" that Ukraine must implement in order "to integrate into Europe".