How Putin blackmails US with nuclear space weapons

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

US intelligence has reported a "serious national security threat to the US," which is Russia's alleged intention to launch nuclear weapons into space.

The new risk has led to a reassessment of Washington's plans. They plan to involve India and even their main adversary, China, in pressuring the Kremlin. Also, the White House is ready for direct negotiations with Russia for the sake of stability in space.

The latter scenario is extremely dangerous for Ukraine.

Read more about the "space threat" in the article by Iryna Kutielieva, European Pravda's journalist – New Star Wars. How US reacts to Russia's plans for nuclear explosion in space.

According to the published information, Russia is trying to develop a nuclear space weapon that would destroy satellites by creating a massive energy wave when detonated.

This technology uses a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (nuclear EMP or NEMP) – a burst of electromagnetic radiation created by a nuclear explosion, including in space conditions. The electromagnetic pulse is capable of disabling any electronic equipment that falls within its range, both on Earth and in the sky (for example, on airplanes or satellites).

The idea of ​​nuclear space explosions is not new. Its history dates back to the Cold War era.

The danger even of testing such weapons became one of the reasons that pushed the United States and the Soviet Union to sign the 1963 Treaty banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and underwater, to which most of the world's countries joined. In 1967, they additionally concluded the Outer Space Treaty, which prohibits the placement of any type of nuclear weapons in orbit.

And the question is not only about Russia's intentions to violate another crucial agreement.

If Russia implements its plans, it will become the first country to deploy nuclear weapons in space. So, the US fears that this could cause a chain reaction – other countries, such as North Korea, may also consider such a step.

Additionally, American intelligence recently learned that Russia has made progress in developing weapons for placing a nuclear charge in orbit, but it is still unclear how close it has come to finalise it.

The consequences of a space explosion will have a significantly greater impact on the lives of the Earth's population than it did over 60 years ago.

Among other things, the potential use of space nuclear weapons also poses threats related to conducting military operations against Russia.

For example, an explosion threatens to destroy SpaceX's geostationary satellites, which assist Ukrainian military. A nuclear explosion, however, will cause the same damage to Russian satellites.

That's why, in Washington, they are convinced that even if Russia deploys nuclear weapons in orbit, it will not be used, but will be located in low orbit as a slow-acting bomb.

Meanwhile, the US is looking for ways to prevent the scenario of a nuclear explosion in space.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the possible deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in space with counterparts from India and China – countries that have their own satellites, which may also suffer from Moscow's actions.

Washington has two options, and unfortunately, one of them is very threatening to Ukraine.

To avoid nuclear escalation, the US may be willing to negotiate with the Kremlin.

Unfortunately, this option looks more realistic. And one of the alarming steps has been taken.

The White House says that Joe Biden has ordered "direct diplomatic interaction with Russia."

A dialogue on the "space nuclear issue" may lead to concessions from Washington and other Western partners to Moscow's blackmail.

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