Trumpist Republican Greene proposes absurd amendments to Ukraine aid bill

, 18 April 2024, 12:52 - Khrystyna Bondarieva

Republican member of the US House of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her affiliation with the Trumpists, proposed a series of "extravagant" amendments to the bill supporting Ukraine.

Greene proposed her amendments to the bill on funding for Ukraine before it is considered by the House of Representatives at the end of this week. The amendments are unlikely to gain support among Greene's colleagues, as they are too egregious.

One amendment requires any member of the House of Representatives who votes for the Ukraine aid bill to enlist in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "I mean if you want to fund the war, why don’t you go fight in it," Greene wrote on Twitter.

Another Greene amendment requires Ukraine to "shut down all its biolabs" and provide all data on such "research" to the US government; otherwise, it will not receive funding.

Other amendments demand a report proving that Christian churches in Ukraine can operate without government interference and that no funds can be used or spent until "the government of Ukraine holds free and fair elections."

Greene also submitted an amendment to the Israel funding package, calling for using proposed funds for "the development of space laser technology" on the US-Mexico border.

"I’ve previously voted to fund space lasers for Israel’s defence. America needs to take our national security seriously and deserves the same type of defence for our border that Israel has and proudly uses," Greene said.

Notably, Greene's systemic anti-Ukrainian actions also drew criticism among her fellow party members. Earlier, the Republican FoxNews published a column titled "Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot. She is trying to wreck the GOP".

Ukraine's Ambassador to the US Oksana Markarova revealed details of the bill regarding US support for Ukraine, which, as expected, will be considered by the US House of Representatives on 20 April, after many months of delay.

The ambassador also announced that the US Congress wants to authorise the confiscation of Russian assets and compel Biden to expand sanctions.