Ukrainians can obtain residence permits in Hungary with expired passports

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 —

Citizens of Ukraine can obtain a residence permit in Hungary even with an expired passport while the state of emergency in the country is in effect due to the war in Ukraine and for six months after its end.

According to the Hungarian government decree of 14 June, an identity card abroad is considered valid during the state of emergency in Hungary.

Thus, when applying for a residence permit, a foreign passport of a Ukrainian citizen who has lost its validity is considered valid, and a residence permit can be issued within six months after the state of emergency in Hungary is terminated.

At the same time, this provision does not apply to procedures for obtaining Hungarian citizenship.


The state of emergency in Hungary was first declared on 11 March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, and it remained in effect with minor changes until June 2022.

However, in May 2022, the Hungarian government initiated a state of emergency due to the war in Ukraine, which has been regularly extended since then. The last time was in April of this year.

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