US Congress bipartisan delegation arrives in Kyiv
A delegation of American legislators led by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Turner, has arrived in Kyiv.
US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink posted a photo on Twitter (X) with the members of congress at the Kyiv station.
"Welcome back to Kyiv, Chairman of the House Intel Committee Mike Turner and bipartisan delegation Betty McCollum, Ronny Jackson, Tony Gonzales, and John Joyce to discuss how US assistance is supporting Ukraine against Russia’s brutal invasion," Brink wrote.
Ласкаво просимо до Києва голову Комітету з питань розвідки Палати представників Конгресу США Майка Тернера та двопартійну делегацію у складі Бетті МакКоллум, Ронні Джексона, Тоні Гонзалеса та Джона Джойса, які проведуть обговорення на тему того, як американська допомога підтримує…
Welcome back to Kyiv, Chairman of the House Intel Committee @RepMikeTurner & bipartisan delegation @BettyMcCollum04, @RepRonnyJackson, @RepTonyGonzales & @RepJohnJoyce to discuss how U.S. assistance is supporting Ukraine against Russia’s brutal invasion.
In May, Ukraine confirmed that the United States authorised the limited use of its weapons to strike Russian territory.
The White House clarified that the permission to strike with US weapons applies to the border not only in Kharkiv but also in Sumy Oblast. At the same time, the permit does not apply to long-range ATACMS missiles.
At the same time, Kyiv wishes to agree on broadening the scope of this authorisation.