Zelenskyy presents Ukraine's Victory Plan to EU leaders

Thursday, 17 October 2024 —

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has presented Ukraine's Victory Plan during a speech at a meeting of the European Council on Thursday, 17 October.

Zelenskyy stressed in his speech that European unity is also a weapon that ensures security not only for Ukraine but for all European nations.

He emphasised the need to hold a second Peace Summit to bring an end to the war and announced a Framework Formula for Peace, which covers all aspects of restoring peace.

"We've already held four meetings on the points of the Peace Formula. The fifth one is taking place in France today. I am grateful to France for hosting it. We will develop a full-fledged document based on the Peace Formula in November and share it with everyone, including the Russians, at the Peace Summit," he said.


Zelenskyy noted that the Victory Plan could prepare Russia for "real diplomacy" and force it to a "just peace".

He urged the summit attendees to contribute to its implementation.

"If we start now and follow the Victory Plan, we will be able to end this war no later than next year," Zelenskyy said.

The Ukrainian president stressed that the plan aims to strengthen not only Ukraine but the entire Euro-Atlantic community.

"Russia will seek diplomacy only when it sees that it cannot achieve anything by force. We must create the right conditions to end this war," he stressed.

Zelenskyy emphasised that Ukraine is prepared to put the Victory Plan on the table of European leaders and counts on their support.

"Ukraine is ready for real diplomacy. But for this, we must be strong. Ceasefires imposed by force instead of just peace have never ensured security. No one is happy when war comes back," he concluded.

The president also presented each point of the Victory Plan separately.

Ukrainska Pravda reported that the Victory Plan consists of five points. You can read more about each of them in a dedicated article.

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