Ukrainians become less confident in prospect of joining EU soon

, 28 October 2024, 16:55 - Ulyana Krychkovska

The number of Ukrainians who believe in an early accession to the European Union has decreased by almost 4.5 times compared to 2022, when it was more than 60%.

According to the survey Success or not? How Ukrainians Assess Law Enforcement Reform and EU Support, conducted by the Rating sociological group, respondents have different views on the timeframe for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

In particular, 15% believe that it will happen in the next one to two years, but the most common term is up to five years – 28% chose this option.

One-fourth of the respondents think it will happen in the next 5-10 years, and 12% of respondents are inclined to a period of 10-20 years. Another 14% believe that Ukraine will never become part of the EU.

In terms of dynamics, the number of those who believe in rapid accession to the EU is also decreasing. The number of those who believe that EU membership is possible within one to two years has decreased from 66% in 2022 to 15% in 2024.

The statement that Ukraine should definitely join the EU is supported by 43% of respondents, more often by residents of Kyiv and the West and respondents of older age.

At the same time, 48% of respondents are more likely to agree with the statement that Ukraine may not join the EU but should strengthen economic ties with it.

A total of 7% believe that Ukraine does not need to integrate into the EU at all, an opinion that is somewhat more common among lower-income groups.

From joining the European Union, respondents most often expect more effective combat against corruption (41%), cooperation in security and defence (36%), and security guarantees (35%).

In addition, Ukrainians expect economic cooperation (27%), financial support (26%), reform of the judiciary and law enforcement (21%), respect for rights and freedoms, and improvement of the economic situation (19% each).

Access to education and legal employment abroad are expected by 15% and 12% respectively. The least expected result is an increase in civic engagement – 2%.

According to the survey, opinions on the EU's interest in Ukraine's accession are divided: 48% believe that the EU is interested in it, and 50% have the opposite opinion.

The survey was conducted from 24 to 29 September 2024 at the request of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine by the method of telephone interviews using a computer. The sample size was 2,000 respondents, and the margin of error was 2.2%.

The same survey showed that more than 50% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine needs further reforms to join the EU.

It was also reported that 70% of Ukrainians believe that EU support for the fight against corruption in Ukraine is ineffective, while most respondents consider this area of European support to be the most relevant.