War with Russia

Stable world is impossible without justice and punishment. France will help bring these about
Ukraine is not alone. Ukraine has many friends. They are the countries which, like France, are deeply committed to complying with the principles of the United Nations Charter.
"The era of peace dividend is over. Moving from a post-war to a pre-war world." Historic speech by UK Defence Secretary
"The age of the peace dividend is over. 2024 must mark an inflexion point. For Ukraine, this will be a year when the fate of their nation may be decided." 
"2024 Will Be Exhausting but Will Lead To Victory". Lithuanian Ambassador on Prospects for Ukraine
The reforms related to the EU and NATO accession would be a major challenge in the best of times. Yet, to return to the wisdom of Winston Churchill, whose words I echoed in the beginning: "If you are going through hell, keep going".