Swedish Government to Consider Possibility of Supplying Gripen Fighter Jets to Ukraine

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

The Swedish government may soon instruct its Armed Forces to assess conditions for the delivery of Gripen fighter jets.

According to Ekot, the request may be sent on Thursday. Among other things, the government wants to investigate how the transfer of aircraft affects Sweden's defence capabilities and how quickly the country can get new replacement aircraft.

The Swedish Armed Forces should provide their response in November, and then the government will be able to decide whether to send Gripen to Ukraine.

The news agency notes that Kyiv is interested in obtaining a division of 16 to 18 Gripen.

The leader of Sweden's largest opposition Social Democratic Party, former Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, called on the government to approve the provision of Swedish Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine.

Ukrainian pilots have already started studying Swedish Gripen fighter jets. The possibility of providing these jets was discussed during President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to Sweden

However, later on, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson stated that his country itself requires Gripen fighter jets. He denied all plans to send them to Ukraine at the moment.

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