German Intelligence Alarmed by Ukrainian Huge Losses in Battles for Bakhmut - Spiegel

Friday, 20 January 2023

Germany's foreign intelligence service (BND) is alarmed by huge losses the Ukrainian army is suffering in fighting against Russian forces in Bakhmut.

According to Spiegel, the BND told Bundestag MPs at a secret meeting this week that the Ukrainian army is currently losing a three-digit number of soldiers every day in battles with the Russian occupiers.

"The Ukrainians are currently suffering huge losses near Bakhmut. The BND briefing informs about three-digit numbers of casualties per day. According to the analysis, the fall of Bakhmut would have consequences for the entire line of Ukrainian defence. They say that Russia is now throwing soldiers like cannonballs since the losses there do not bother it," Spiegel informs.

British intelligence has previously reported that one of Ukraine's two main supply routes to Bakhmut has continued to be subjected to intense artillery bombardment. 

Also, British intelligence reported in January that Russian troops have increased pressure on Bakhmut, but they are unlikely to surround the city soon.

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