Romania Will Help Restore Ukraine’s Damaged Digital Infrastructure

Thursday, 4 January 2024

Ukraine and Romania have signed a cooperation agreement on the development of 5G, restoration of telecom networks and increasing their sustainability.

"We agreed on the first steps — increasing the stability of Ukrainian internet networks, developing 5G corridors between the borders of Ukraine and Romania, and Ukraine's participation in EU financial support programmes," Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation, said on Telegram.

Fedorov added that Romania will also help restore the digital infrastructure damaged by the war. 

He thanked Bogdan-Gruia Ivan, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization of Romania, for cooperation and noted that from now on, both countries will implement joint projects with the financial support of the EU."


In December, Estonia and nine other countries launched the Tallinn mechanism for mastering the cyber support of Ukraine in the civil sphere.

The Tallinn mechanism will work in parallel with an IT coalition that deals with solving Ukraine's cyber problems in the military sphere. 

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