Pentagon vows that US will keep supplying weapons to Ukraine's air defence forces

Friday, 9 February 2024

Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder has stated that the US will continue to supply Ukraine with air defence weapons.

"There are certain capabilities that were contracted under USAI, which does include some air defence capabilities," as stated in the Pentagon press release.

When asked how long the US would continue to provide Ukraine with missiles for air defence, he refused to give a specific number.

"We'll also continue to work very closely with allies and partners in terms of identifying Ukraine's needs and then working with them to help facilitate that process," Ryder stressed.


In response to a clarifying question about whether US air defence missiles were still being supplied to Ukraine, he noted that it referred to "that and other capabilities" announced under the USAI programme.

At the same time, Oksana Markarova, Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, noted that Kyiv was running out of military equipment, especially missiles and air defence interceptors.

Earlier, the US Senate adopted a procedural decision to further consider a bill to provide additional assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

The document was put to a procedural vote after the US Senate lacked sufficient support for a procedural vote on a bill to strengthen migration policy, which included additional funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

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