US Ambassador calls for no moment to lose in helping Ukraine after Russian strikes on Kyiv

Monday, 25 March 2024 —

Following the Russian missile attack on Kyiv on Monday morning, US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink has called for no time to be wasted in providing Ukraine with immediate assistance. 

The head of the US Embassy noted on Twitter (X) that on the morning of 25 March, Russia again attacked Ukraine with aeroballistic missiles, and loud explosions were heard in Kyiv. 

Over the past five days, Russia has launched hundreds of missiles and drones against a sovereign country, Brink said. "Ukraine needs our assistance now. There is not a moment to lose," the US ambassador urged. 

The US Congress has been unable to approve a multi-billion dollar support package for Ukraine proposed by President Joe Biden since October last year. 

After months of debate between Congress members, it is now speculated in the House of Representatives that Speaker Mike Johnson may bring a bill supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan to a vote after Easter on 31 March

Johnson himself had previously said that the bill on supplementary funding to support Ukraine would be considered in the House of Representatives as soon as the issue of funding the federal government is resolved.

This condition was recently fulfilled, as the long-suffering budget document was signed by President Biden.

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